• Welcome to Mrs. Basmajian's
    Algebra Class!

    I'm looking forward to a great year in Algebra.  Here are a few tips to help you be successful in class this year.

    • Write down your homework assignments in your agenda pad carefully.  It is ultimately your responsibility to keep track of your homework.
    • Turn in all assignments when they are due.
    • Practice, practice, practice.  Work on each and every homework problem.  Make sure you show all of your work.  
    • Check the answers to the odd numbered homework problems in the back of your textbook and be prepared with questions for class.
    • Keep your notebook organized with all papers in the correct section.  You will need all of your materials to study for assessments and your final exam in June.
    • Ask questions.  As soon as you begin to struggle with a topic, please come and ask me for help.  I am here to help you be successful in math.
    • Attend the Math Assistance Center to practice your skills and study for assessments.
    • Be mindful of both verbal and written directions.