- Barclay Brook Elementary School
- Parents' Corner
- The ABC's of Parenting
he 's f arenting!
sk your child about the school day.egin your child's day with a nourishing breakfast.
ongratulate your child for doing well.
iscuss homework with your child.
ncourage your child to read.
ind a quiet place for your child to study.
ive your child responsibilities.
ug your child to build self-worth.nclude your child in making simple family decisions.
oin the library with your child.
eep your child on a schedule that includes exercise and sleep.
imit TV viewing by selecting programs with your child.
ake the time you spend with your child special.
otice and discuss changes in your child's behavior.
ffer to help your child organize school papers.
rovide your child with good role models.
uestion the activities your child shares with friends.
espect your child's right to have opinions different from yours.
hare an interest or a hobby with your child.
ake time to listen to your child.
se a photo album to record memories.alue honesty, kindness, dependability, truthfulness and caring.
ork with your child to set up rules of behavior.
erox and save special keepsakes for your child.
ield results by encouraging your child to do better.
oom through the ABC's again and again.
(Source: Unknown)
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