    Birthday Celebrations


    All student birthday celebrations will now be non-food celebrations. If you would like to send in a pencil, eraser, coloring book, etc., please send in enough for the whole class. We currently have 21 students.
    a We are going to celebrate our birthdays at the end of the day to eliminate classroom disruptions. 
    a Each child will receive special birthday presents! 
    a After we celebrate your child's birthday in class they may visit last year's teacher and special teachers for more birthday surprises!
    a If you decide to send in invitations for your child's birthday party, please send one for each child.  Otherwise, mail the invitations individually so we don't hurt anyone's feelings. I will put all invitations in our Tuesday Folders. 
    a Summer birthdays will be celebrated in June.  I will send out a letter at the end of May.

    Click on the links below for some birthday fun.


    Billy Bear's Birthday Party

    Fun Facts - Happy Birthday to You!
    Birthday Traditions from Around the World
    The Birthday Game


    Enjoy sharing this special time with your child!  

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