Snack: We have an early lunch from 11:22am – 12:08pm. So, tummies will start to rumble again later in the afternoon. We will stop at an appropriate time to have a snack.   Please remember healthy snacks should be in the classroom. Some suggestions for healthy eating include vegetables, fruit, crackers, cheese, pretzels, popcorn and yogurt.  You may send drinks with your child, however, no glass bottles are permitted in our school. Some of the children in our class have food allergies and we need to be sensitive to their needs.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


    Communication:  Your child will receive a folder called The School Folder.  Please be sure to look in your child’s backpack daily for this folder.  In it, you will find work samples, notes from school, homework, etc. If you would like to ask me a question, let me know of a change in dismissal schedule, etc., you can place a note in this folder.  I go through the folders each morning. Also, you can call the school to contact me. I check my messages before school, at lunch, and after school. I will get back to you as soon as possible. Please be sure to go through this information daily, as it will contain additional information about our schedule.  Many Thanks!!!!! You can also reach me with any questions via my e-mail address Danielle.cipolla@monroe.k12.nj.us.

    Another big method of communication this year will be through a Sea Saw App. Further information will be coming home.

    I check my school e-mail often throughout the day.  I will get back to you as soon as I can.  If you have an urgent message for me, perhaps about a change in your child’s route of dismissal, please do not e-mail this information.  Please be sure to reach a school secretary and tell them the information that you need me to know.  They will be sure to get information to me. Thank you!

    Lunch and Recess: Your child will eat lunch and have recess from 11:22– 12:08. If your child is planning to buy lunch, place the money in a sealed envelope labeled with the child’s name, teacher’s name, and what he/she will be purchasing.  Further information will be sent to you about the price of hot lunch.  Your child will go outside, weather permitting, each day for recess. Please make sure that they are dressed appropriately for outside play.  


    Homework: Homework is pretty limited in 1st grade. Daily math sheets will be sent home and children are expected to read each night. However, further information regarding daily schedules, procedures, specific homework assignments, and classroom behavior expectations will be discussed at our Open House.


    Arrival/Dismissal: If your child has a change in his/her dismissal schedule, please let me know in writing.  For example, if he/she usually goes on the bus, but today you plan on picking up your child, please let me know.  If you pick your child up, you can meet him/her outside in the main lobby next to the main office. If your child attends the afterschool program, please put it in writing as well.  On the first day of school, please don’t arrive too early…waiting for more than 5 minutes prior to the beginning of school increases your child’s anxiety.       


    Birthdays:  We love to celebrate birthdays! Please let me know at least one week in advance if you would like to come in.  Sometimes we need to schedule the celebrations around assemblies or other special happenings in school. We will need to arrange a time and date where you can come in and read a book to the class. You are welcome to come in and celebrate with us. However, if you are unable to do so, we will celebrate with your child.  Please don’t send in goody bags or favors. We can not send home birthday invitations. Please send them through the mail. A class address list will be sent home in early October.


    Play: Play is a vital part of our program.  Children learn by doing, touching, experiencing, and talking.  My goal is to improve the social skills that are necessary for success in a school setting and in life.  Be prepared for your child to play on Fridays with sand, water, paint, glue, and many other fun things. Please dress your child for comfort.  Sneakers are a must during gym days. If your child is prone to having bathroom accidents, please send in an extra set of clothes. I’ll keep them in my closet and use them when necessary.  

    Parent Volunteers: I have found that children enjoy school more if parents are involved.  We have a fabulous P.T.O. and I encourage you to become active in the organization.  Once the children have settled into a routine, I will be asking for Mystery Readers to come in.


    Academics:  Children are at all different levels in their development when they come to First Grade.  Some children read and some children are not able to. However, that is not an expectation.  We will learn together. Most children do not become fluent writers and readers until first grade.    I will be reading a variety of great books to your child this year. We will also be writing books this year. We will be talking about literature and deciding what we like about it and why we think it is good.  We will do lots of creative writing. I hope you enjoy the early writings of your child as much as I do!


    Enjoy the summer and I am looking forward to a great year!  Please do not hesitate to e-mail me with any questions before school starts.  I welcome your partnership.

    Best Wishes,

    Danielle Cipolla