


    Dear First Grader,

              Welcome to first grade! My name is Mrs. Pilgrim. I will be your teacher this year. I am so excited that you will be in my class this year! I cannot wait for the school year to begin! We will be having a lot of fun this year, as well as learning lots of new things!

              First grade is a very exciting year! We will work hard to become great readers and writers. We will talk about things that good readers and writers do, and I bet you can already think of some! You will also become a great math problem solver and make many new friends!

              In our class, we all work together as team. We have a class mascot named Leo the Lion. Leo is very excited to meet you and can’t wait to spend time with you during the year. You will even get to take Leo home for a weekend!

              I hope that you have had a great summer! Please have a parent write your name and your bus number on a name tag or label. Please wear it on the first day of school, this way I can find you easily. (If you do not ride on a bus just write your name!)


                                                                  Mrs. Pilgrim