• Welcome to
    Ms. Eileen Kelley's
    Ms. E. Kelley
    Ms. Eileen Kelley is a member of the
    Health & Physical Education Department
    Recipient of the NJAHPERD
    High School Teacher of the Year Award, 2008 
    Email Address:  ekelley@monroe.k12.nj.us
    High School Phone Number:  732-521-2882, 
    The Women's Health & Physical Education office is Ext. 1044 
    Ms. Kelley currently teaches Health & PHysical Education
    to Freshmen and Sophomores.
    Physical Education is a combination of team sports,
    individual sports,physical fitness and lifetime activities.
    Freshmen Health is a general health class dealing primarily with
    good decision-making skills.  We cover a variety of topics including
    (but not limited to):  personality, character education, mental health,
    reproductive systems, sex education, and drug education.
    Sophomore Health is Driver Education.