• notebookSupplies 



    • One 3-inch binder (zippered ones are best). *Note: the binder needs to have 1 set of rings, not 2. The ones with 2 smaller rings on each side cannot hold the amount of papers the students will have throughout the year.
    • 1-2 packs of loose leaf paper. Please put some loose leaf paper in each section of the binder.
    • 5 dividers that can be labeled. THE DIVIDERS MUST BE THE ONES THAT GO IN THE RINGS OF THE BINDER.
      These have a folder and are recommended. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Pen-Gear-Vibrant-Color-5-Tab-Dividers-with-Pockets-Regular/518106098

      • Please label each one as follows:
        • Science
        • Social Studies
        • Math
        • Health
        • ELA


    • 2 folders – 1 for homework and daily notices, and 1 for unfinished classwork (Note: If you are getting the dividers with folders, the students will only need 1 folder for homework/daily notices)
    • Pencil pouch (one that fits in the rings of the binder, NOT a pencil box)
    • Pencils and extra erasers
    • Blue or black pens (erasable is fine)
    • 2 book covers (jumbo is best if using book socks)
    • A small box of crayons or colored pencils
    • Small pack of sheet protectors
    • Several packs of sticky notes (start with 3, but will need to replenish)
    • A pack of highlighters (multi-color is best, but not required)
    • 1 pack of lined index cards

    *Please note: Supplies must be refilled throughout the year. Items such as loose leaf paper, pens and pencils get used up quickly. A good time to check would be around Winter Break, and then again around Spring Break.

    For Home


    • Standard/metric ruler
    • Dictionary
    • Thesaurus
    • Glue sticks