
    Marisa Pilgrim: B.S. Early Childhood Education and Psychology, The College of New Jersey


    Hi, my name is Marisa Pilgrim. I am a 1st grade teacher at Barclay Brook School.  I went to college at The College of New Jersey, where I received a degree in Early Childhood Education and Psychology. I have a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from Rutgers University. I have been teaching first grade at Barclay Brook School  since 2006 and I have loved every minute of it!  Barclay Brook is a great place to work: the staff, students and families are wonderful! I love teaching 1st grade and seeing the children discover all they can accomplish in one short year! It is truly amazing to see all of the progress the children make from September to June. I will be cheering on each and every one of your children to be the very best they can be! I am looking forward to a fun-filled exciting year of learning!

    mailE-mail: mpilgrim@monroe.k12.nj.us

    phone Phone: (732) 521-1000
