*Our Morning Meeting*
Every morning the students participate in our Morning Meeting. Morning Meeting is a way for students to begin their morning in a fun and interactive way. Morning Meeting also allows students to greet one another and communicate, which in turn builds a positive learning community where students are eager to make new friends and take chances.
Our Morning Meeting consists of:
*The students and I sing our "Good Morning" song.
*The students and I sing our "Number Song" where students dance and greet one another.
*Calendar (Date, Days of the Week, Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow)
*Place Value Straws (How Many Days Have We Been In School?)
*Morning Message. Each day I write a letter to the students in which I talk about what we will be doing for the day. Sometimes there are mistakes in my letter. The students help me correct the mistakes! Once we have fixed all of the mistakes, we read the morning message together!
*On the bottom of our Morning Message, there's always a "Question of the Day!" Students vote on their answer and we count the results up. This helps us to learn about our class!