Our Differentiated Interest Centers
On Fridays, students can work in differentiated interest centers. In order to participate in centers, students must have all of their center work/math group work/homework completed. Any student that has gone on "red", has missing homework, or has forgot to return their Guided Reading book that week, will need to sit out for 10 minutes of Interest Centers.
There are a total of 13 different interest centers. These centers change from time to time. The center name itself remains the same, but the content within the center changes as the instruction being taught changes. These centers are also thematical and integrated with our Language Arts skills, Writing skills, Math, Science, Social Studies, Health, and Guided Reading.
2-3 students can work in any one center at a time. If a center is full, students must choose another center and go back to the other one at another time,
Students have a "Center Plan" form in which they use to monitor which centers they have visited. Students must visit each center before they can re-visit any one center.
The Centers Include:
Writing Center
Library Center
Art Center
Blocks/Legos Center
Social Studies Center
Listening Center
Math Center
Handwriting Center
Word Center
Science Center
Spelling/Sentence Center
Computer Center
Poem Center
*Centers are created based on students' interests and learning styles.