• Grading Policy

    ►Note: Students in 5th grade accelerated math will be graded using the middle school criteria.


    Assessments (Tests/Quizzes/Projects) – 70%

    Throughout a unit, quizzes are given to assess students’ understanding.  At the end of each unit an individual assessment is given.  Sometimes it is a written test, sometimes a project, and sometimes both.  These serve as an opportunity for students to show what they, as individuals, have learned from the whole unit.


    Homework – 20%

    The curriculum is problem centered.  This means that the students will investigate mathematical ideas within the context of a realistic problem, as opposed to looking only at numbers.  Problems assigned for homework offer students an opportunity to practice ideas investigated during the class period and to think about those concepts in more depth.  Homework assignments are very important and serve as “formative assessment.”  They provide students and teachers the opportunity to assess on-going understanding.  Students can bring their insight and/or questions with them to class the day the assignment is due. 



            3 Point Response

    - shows all complete work (graphs, calculations, tables, pictures…)

    - answers ALL parts of the question(s)


    2 Point Response

    - showspartial work of the problem(s)

    - answers most parts of the question(s)


    1 Point Response

    - shows limited to almost no work of the problem(s)


    0 Point Response

    - shows no work or effort


    Class Performance – 10%

    Mathematics involves active learning during class time.  Demonstrate engagement in activities and classwork assignments and involvement in class discussion which will ensure your success as a student.