• Hello! My name is Mrs. Granger and I am the 8th Grade 
    School Counselor for students with last names beginning with A-G.

     I have my bachelor's degree in Psychology from William Paterson University and my master's degree in Counseling in Educational Settings from Rowan University. This is my 10th year as a School Counselor and my 7th year working in Monroe Township School District. My previous experience includes working with students in middle school, high school and higher education settings.

    Here at MTMS my primary role is to support all students so that they can be academically successful, socially skilled, and emotionally healthy. The middle school years can be a difficult transitional period for many young people, but as your child's School Counselor, I am here to support them in navigating whatever challenges they may face. This is done via short-term individualized counseling, small group counseling, classroom lessons, conflict resolution, and supportive restorative justice practices, as well as school-wide programming to support students' social, emotional, and academic development.    

    When meeting with students, I utilize a cognitive approach; providing a safe, supportive and non-judgemental environment in which we identify and discuss the link between problematic or unhelpful patterns of thinking, learned patterns of unhelpful behavior, and problematic core beliefs regarding oneself and their environment. This is then linked to discussions of reframing mindsets and healthy coping skills to successfully manage emotions and emotional responses. 

    Students or parents can email me at mgranger@monroe.k12.nj.us with any questions or concerns I may be of assistance with. Students can schedule a time to meet with me by sending me an email or completing a student request form found on my office door. Students should always ask their teachers before coming to see me.

    I look forward to working with you this year, and hope that this school year is the best one yet!