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Monroe Township School District

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Leave of Absence Information

Health Benefits: Leave of Absence



Once the baby is born, an employee has 30 days to add the baby. To enroll for medical benefits, you need to enroll in benefitsolver.  To enroll in dental and vision submit enrollment/change forms.  In addition, a copy of the baby’s birth certificate and social security card will need to be uploaded in benefitsolver.  Once completed the Benefits Coordinator will approve the baby to be enrolled in medical benefits.  The Dental and Vision forms also need to be completed and emailed to Lisa Surrusco in Benefits. 

Dental & VSP Forms

The Benefits Department will monitor the employee's health benefit contribution deductions each pay period.  When and if unpaid time begins, the employee will receive a monthly invoice to collect the monthly health benefit deductions.  The employee will continue to receive a monthly invoice until such time that the employee returns to work.  All 10-month employees are exempt from payment during the months of July and August.


The Benefits Department will monitor the employee's health benefit contribution deductions each pay period. When and if unpaid time begins, the employee will receive a monthly invoice to collect the monthly health benefit deductions. The employee will continue to receive a monthly invoice until such time that the employee returns to work. All 10-month employees are exempt from payment during the months of July and August.